Nominate a charity or non-profit!

Each of our machines is connected to a charity or non-profit who will receive a portion of every purchase from that machine.

One thing that has been very important to this company and our employees is the idea of community improvement. We want to do our part to help the community and set the example for other businesses in the process.

How we do this is through our charity support program.

Every machine that we have is paired up with a non-profit/charity and a portion of every purchase that is made from that machine will go to help benefit its non-profit partner. We donate 10% of all the profits received to these various partners.

We know its not a lot but we feel that continued and consistent support to these organizations that make such a difference in our lives will be appreciated.

Below you will see two forms you can submit to us. The first is to nominate a charity or non-profit that you are in charge of and the second is to nominate one that you feel passionate about and think would be a good fit for our charity support program.

Please help us make small but powerful differences in our community by helping us find those organizations who need our support. Thank you!



Nominate Your Charity / Non-Profit


Nominate A Charity / Non-Profit that you Love